News / ニュース
Message / 代表挨拶

Natural and social issues revolving around humanity, such as climate change due to global warming, ongoing wars and conflicts, distribution of resources and food, advancements and applications of IT technology, and control, are complex problems that cannot be easily solved. They have various impacts on us in different ways. However, amidst these macroscopic issues, we have strived for a better life as individuals and members of communities through education, professions, and other avenues.
Our foundation aims to contribute to the resolution of social issues in both countries through the support of Japanese language education, fostering smooth exchange and mutual understanding between Japanese language learners, Japanese individuals, and Japanese society.
Currently, specific ongoing activities include providing scholarships to Japanese language learners in Sri Lanka and the Philippines, supporting the educational environment, facilities, and materials for institutions responsible for Japanese education as partners on the ground. Additionally, to enhance the skills of local Japanese language teachers, we plan to conduct training by inviting them to Japan from October this year.
The scholarship recipients, 40 from each country, a total of 80 annually, will undergo 6 months of Japanese language learning (500 hours) and vocational education. Support will also be considered for Japanese language education in Timor-Leste based on their request.
Upon completion of their studies, if Japanese language learners wish to seek employment or further studies in Japan, we will provide assistance. Collaboration from various sectors is crucial for achieving this, and fostering such cooperation is also one of the foundation's objectives.
In the future, we plan to further explore exchanges in the fields of culture and the arts.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you very much.

Masaki Yoshioka
President & Founder
General Foundation Yoshioka Cultural Education Association

Outline / 財団概要
The Yoshioka Culture and Education Association provides support for young people who want to learn the Japanese language and culture by providing them with learning environments and employment that make use of their experience and abilities. It was established with the purpose of contributing.
ActivityStatus / 活動状況
To support Japanese language education, we award scholarships and provide support for equipment and teaching materials necessary for education. We also provide training and support to Japanese language teachers.

Access / 所在地
General Foundation Yoshioka Cultural Education Association
1-4-11-1221 Ariake, Koto-ku, Japan,135-0063